This list contains incidents of violation that have resulted in confidence, recognition, bargaining of defense or some kind of administrative disciplinary action taken against a member of the Metropolitan Police Department of Las Vegas. Excluded are unproved accusations and lawsuits.
Video Misconduct in the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
During the period 1990 to 2011, the Las Vegas Metro Police Department ranks third in shootings involving officers per capita, behind Houston and Chicago. The department reported 310 shooting incidents in that period, 115 of which were fatal. During this period, three officers were killed in their duties. Although the local population is less than ten percent Black, about a third of those shot by the police are Black. In twenty-nine percent of shootings, officers were shot by suspects.
Maps Misconduct in the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
In June 1995, Las Vegas resident (suspected coin thief) Andrew Dersch was beaten by officers Brian Nicholson, Robert Phelan, and Sergeant James Campbell. After the trial, the officers were sentenced, but they were then given a new trial when District Judge Lee Gates found that one of the judges had misinterpreted his criminal record during the jury election. In October 1997, Campbell and Nicholson pleaded for no contest on conspiracy charges for a lethal assault (a gross crime under Nevada law), while Phelan pleaded guilty to two offenses, blocking a police officer, and batteries. The agreement recommends that each of them to undergo two years on probation and conduct 400 hours of community service. The three officers were dismissed by LVMPD, and in November 1997 Judge Gates ignored the recommended trial period and community service and instead sentenced Campbell and Nicholson nine months each and Phelan six months in jail.
LVMPD officer Michael Ramirez was arrested in October 1996 on charges of sexual assault, open and dirty mischief and oppression after a husband and wife said he forced them into sexual acts when he watched after pulling their car near the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area. In March 1998, Ramirez pleaded guilty to two counts of persecution under the color of the office. The 30-year-old former officer admitted that he had used a badge, a pistol, and the threat of indirect arrest to force the couple to have sex in front of him in a remote place about 14 miles west of Las Vegas.
On December 28, 1996, Officer who was not on duty Ron Mortensen killed Daniel Mendoza in a shoot. Another Metro officer, Christopher Brady, was driving at the time. Mortensen received a life sentence as a gunner, while Brady was convicted on federal charges for his role and received a nine-year sentence (in July 2010, Nevada Supreme Court upheld the conviction of Mortensen's murder, found that the murder was planned, deliberate and deliberate ")
Officer Art Sewall was arrested on February 8, 1997 and accused of sexual violence and repression under the color of the law, both crimes. Sewall was arrested after disguise at a local motel. The Sewall investigation opened after a complaint received on Feb. 6 stated that Sewall was involved in a criminal act. After his arrest, the Sewall Officer was paid a paid administrative leave. In March 1997, Sewall withdrew from LVMPD and in June 1999 pleaded guilty to two crimes of repression under the color of the office, and allegations of abduction and sexual harassment were dismissed.
In May 1997, cousins ​​Juan Berry and James Suggs were jailed on false charges by four unregistered LVMPD SWAT officers after a fight at Drink that is now closed! night club. In addition, Berry and Suggs said during this time that SWAT officers continued to mock them and shouted at the officers on duty. They say a SWAT officer calls them "negro" and the other constantly makes a gesture pointing as if he has a gun and pulls the trigger. Three officers on duty responded later testified that SWAT officers threatened cousins. The police superintendent on duty at the scene testified that he was "ashamed of being a police officer" because of the "unprofessional behavior" of unattended SWAT officers. "" They are aggressive.... They are drunk, "said Sergeant Steve Custer.A detective who was assigned to the case conducted a second investigation which resulted in Berry and Suggs having their names entered into the national law enforcement database, and, after Berry was arrested and jailed for three days and the Nevada authorities refused extradition, Berry was released.The police department confirmed that the five officers involved - Bob Rogers, Jerry "Bob" Montes, Mark Mills, Rick Klein and Bob Lewis - remained employed by the department Lewis received a written reprimand, but it was unclear whether other officers faced sanctions for their involvement. "Several disciplines do emerge," a department spokesman said.
Family of French citizen Philippe LeMenn, who died while at the Clark County Detention Center in 2001, paid $ 500,000 in 2003.
The cause of the death of Philippe LeMenn is because of a broken Hyoid bone around his neck, according to Clark County medical examiner. The man who destroyed the hyoid bone, in the video prison, remains elusive and covered and protected by the LVMPD Police Administration. Some witnesses and suspects, for this cover up murderers who are known to still be employed by LVMPD. Sources for this information were recorded from eyewitnesses, during legal deposition taken in June 2013, pursuant to the Federal Lawsuit 2011.
In June 2003, two LVMPD correctors, Alan Hirjak, and Christopher Brinkley threw firecrackers into the detention area at Clark County Detention Center, which prompted a federal suit by four former CCDC prisoners against two officers, and their superiors, Sergeant PJ Leeke. The suit was dismissed in 2006 by US District Judge James Mahan, but was restored by the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals in 2008, and at the time, Sergeant Leeke was expelled from the lawsuit. Settlement cases call for LVMPD to pay $ 8,000 to former inmates, and two corrective officers will pay $ 7,500 each from their own pockets. An internal affair investigation resulted in Hirjak serving a 160-hour unpaid penalty, and Brinkley was sentenced to 120 hours without pay. Later, Sheriff Bill Young describes the incident as "a false practical joke". Both officers returned to work after suspension.
In 2004, Keith Tucker, 47, died in 2004 after officers responded to a call from his roommate that Tucker acted erratically. She was handcuffed and lying on her stomach when the officer surprised her with Taser. Suntt LVMPD John Sheahan said Tucker died of "positional asphyxia," meaning that Tucker could not breathe while being held. The medical examiner decided Tucker died of a heart attack during a "control procedure", which included the use of a stun gun. The coroner's investigation jury decides that death is "understandable." Sheahan said the department won its first trial at the Clark County District Court. But the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled for the plaintiff, and the case was sent back to the District Court. On December 12, 2012, the LVMPD Fiscal Affairs Committee recommended a settlement offer of $ 295,000.
In 2006, Officer Eric Barros was sentenced to three years probation for theft and forgery of evidence during a drug attack. He left the department.
On March 27, 2007, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department was ordered to pay $ 1.48 million to settle a federal lawsuit accusing Las Vegas police of giving special treatment to the wife of a hitting officer and killed a cyclist in 1994. The settlement ended a 13-year-old legal battle that began shortly after Erin DeLew was killed while riding his home bicycle from a Summerlin supermarket. The driver, Janet Wagner, had been drinking alcohol that night but was never charged, according to court documents. The lawsuit stated that her husband, Officer David Wagner, and her fellow officers knew she had drunk but covered it and delayed calling the Nevada Highway Patrol, which eventually took over the investigation.
In July 2007, Raymond Yeghiazarian was killed in a motor vehicle accident in which LVMPD Officer Jared Wicks traveled through the intersection between 60 and 75 miles per hour (the limit posted was 45 MPH) while chasing a white van and not using emergency lights or sirens (this according to experts). The Clark County jury in August 2011 paid 2.2 million dollars to the Yeghiazarian family, but this amount was reduced to 250,000 dollars by a judge (that is the maximum civilian allowance permitted under state law). The award was submitted by LVMPD to the Nevada Supreme Court (as of February 2012). Civil lawyers for Yeghiazarian have filed new civil cases in US federal court for 7 million in damages (no monetary restrictions on award in federal court), and that LVMPD detectives have been biased in their investigation of this traffic accident (jury record in case the above did find that Yeghiazarian was at least 25 percent responsible for the cause of the accident).
LVMPD officer William Miller was arrested by officers from the Henderson Police Department on charges of domestic violence and coercion in 2008. He was convicted of battery and left LVMPD. Miller was previously involved in the (non-fatal) shooting of a carjacker suspect in July 2004.
Press reports show that on May 7, 2009, Officer James Manor drove his official vehicle at 109 miles per hour when a pickup truck attempted to turn left. In a collision with a pickup truck that followed, Officer Manor was killed. Sheriff Doug Gillespie said that Officer Manor and a car driven by another officer turned on the lights and sirens as they drove past the intersection. This then proved not the case. Pickup driver Calvin Darling was arrested on the scene and accused of driving under the influence of alcohol. The investigation then showed the police car had hit the pickup and the Manor clerk was not wearing his seat belt. After this incident, Calvin Darling's blood alcohol boundary was tested at 0.035 and that the Clark County District Prosecutor's office dropped DUI and failed to indict Mr. Darling when it was decided that James Manor was found guilty of an accident that finally happened. his own life. On July 26, 2010, the LVMPD Fiscal Affairs Committee approved a $ 120,000 settlement with Calvin Darling for the four days he spent in jail over the incident.
In November 2009, LVMPD Officer Kevin Koval used a lateral-vascular neck restrainment (commonly referred to as a concave barrier) to subdue Dustin Boone (who acts irregularly and has not taken the drug) after entering his home through an unlocked sliding door. The coroner's findings found that the deaths were 'forgivable' (meaning unintentional), and that Sheriff Gillespie had been advised about how to get into the house, and what kind of risks Boone actually made to the public. On May 23, 2011, the LVMPD fiscal affairs committee approved a $ 1,000,000 settlement with James, Dorothy, and Michelle Boone (all Dustin Boone families).
LVMPD Lieutenant Benjamin Kim is the target of FBI and LVMPD's corruption investigation in connection with an agreement in the ongoing HOA scandal in Southern Nevada. In addition, his name has appeared in an ongoing investigation at the Courthouse Cafe, located at Regional Justice Center in Las Vegas, Nevada (since it was closed, and is now a Capriotti Sandwich Shop). On May 4, 2012, former LVMPD Lieutenant Benjamin Kim pleaded guilty in federal court on charges of misconduct for crimes "for concealing attempts to commit bank fraud," according to court documents filed by unsealed federal prosecutors. The plea was related to the investigation of Cafe Courthouse, and was the result of an ongoing HOA investigation in Southern Nevada. On January 28, 2013, federal prosecutors have recommended a 6-month jail term for former police lieutenant Benjamin Kim, along with a $ 5,000 fine and 3 years of supervised release. On February 4, 2013, former LVMPD Lieutenant Benjamin Kim was sentenced to 3 years probation by US District Court Judge James Mahan.
On June 11, 2010, Detective Bryan Yant, was involved in the controversial fatal shootings of Trevon Cole. He was transferred to a desk job after finding that Yant's officers had violated several police policies regarding preparation and presentation of a warrant, in addition to several minor offenses. Yant has shot at least three other people in duty up to that point. On January 18, 2012, the Trevon Cole family (who had been killed by Yant) received a settlement from the LVMPD Fiscal Affairs Committee at $ 1.7 million (which is the highest ever given by LVMPD). In addition, it was shown that Bryan Yant made some mistakes when he focused on Trevon Cole and that David Roger (former District Attorney for Clark County, Nevada) and other prosecutors did not trust Bryan Yant's accounting of the shootings.
In July 2010, the LVMPD Fiscal Affairs Committee settled with Calvin Darling, who was initially accused of drunk driving and failed to produce the death of Officer James Manor for $ 120,000. Initial reports that Officer Manor had the wrong lights and sirens and that Calvin Darling had a blood alcohol level of 0.035 after being tested (legal definition for DUI in Nevada was 0.08%). In addition, Clark District Prosecutor Office dropped all charges against Darling.
The police union advised its members, beginning in 2010, to no longer cooperate with police coroner shootings.
On March 20, 2011, LVMPD Officer Derek Colling was involved in the beating and arrest of videographer Mitchell Crooks who the Colling Officer approached when he observed Crooks who recorded a police investigation of reported thefts. Mitchell Crooks has no criminal record in Nevada and accusations of blocking a police officer, an attack/battery on a police officer, and refusing the arrest were dismissed by the Clark County Justice Court. Excessive power claims made for the Internal Affairs Division, and on July 29, 2011, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that the Colling Officer violated some departmental policies, and that Mitchell Crook's overpowering complaint was sustained, Deputy Chief of Gary Schofield reported. On December 13, 2011, the Colling Officer was dismissed. The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported on March 26, 2012, that the LVMPD Fiscal Affairs Committee paid Mitchell Crooks a $ 100,000 to settle a federal suit.
On July 8, 2011, sheriff from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, Doug Gillespie, along with Sheriff Assistant Ray Flynn, and LVMPD Crime Lab's Executive Director Linda Krueger acknowledged a human error case involving replacing DNA samples by Terry Cook criminal who had sent a non- guilty by Dwayne Jackson to Nevada State Prison for 4 years. The LVMPD Fiscal Affairs Committee states that the final settlement can reach a '7-number' range.
The Las Vegas Sun reported on August 11, 2011 that a federal jury has awarded a total of 2.1 million (reduced to 1.6 million by federal judge) to Charles Barnard, a resident of Henderson, Nevada as a result of the allegations of force overloaded by LVMPD Officers Gary Clark, Greg Theobald and Steven Radmanovich.
On December 12, 2011, Officer Jesus Arevalo shot and killed Stanley Gibson in a deadlock in the apartment complex. Gibson, a Gulf War veteran reportedly suffering from psychological distress. He was spinning around the apartment complex when someone reportedly called the thief report. Police responded to boxing in Gibson's vehicle and ordered him to get out. He did not do it. The police then plan to take it from the SUV. The arrival of a senior officer, Lieutenant David Dockendorf, caused some confusion as to how to proceed when Gibson fired his vehicle engine. In confusion, Arevalo kills an unarmed man with four shots from an AR-15 assault rifle. In 2013, the agency agreed to pay the Gibson family $ 1.5 million. This case passes through various levels of investigation and disciplinary hearings. Dockendorf lowered his rank in two. Two separate review panels recommend Arevalo fired. In October 2013, Officer Arevalo became the first police officer in the history of the department being dismissed as a result of the ongoing shootings.
LVMPD officer John Norman was arrested on February 1, 2012 on allegations of coercive crime and bullying under the color of offices and open or dirty light crimes. This was done after a separate complaint from two women that Officer Norman had been arrested and/or arrested during which the women were made to expose their breasts, and that one of the women was groped. Officer Norman was released from the Clark County Detention Center by his own admission. Initial investigations of Norman Officers occurred at the end of 2011, when he was informed of possible allegations against him, and at the time refused to cooperate with investigators, and arrested lawyers, one of whom was Clark District Attorney David Roger. Sheriff's assistant Ray Flynn was quoted as saying the investigation could take months, and that John Norman could lose his job. On Feb. 15, 2012, Sheriff Assistant Ray Flynn reported to the Las Vegas Review-Journal that two more women had come on false accusations on the part of officer John Norman, and that the new incidents of violation did not increase to the level of behavior criminal, but it can escalate to the level of 'an officer's inappropriate behavior', and that there are now four ongoing internal investigations against Officer Norman. On June 12, 2012, Officer John Norman withdrew from work with LVMPD, according to Sgt. John Sheahan, who also stated that while John Norman resigned, internal affairs investigations, and criminal investigations against him were still ongoing. Norman pleaded guilty to two serious offenses on June 25, 2012, and will be asked to register as a sex offender. On January 17, 2013, former LVMPD officer John Norman was sentenced to two (2) years in Clark County Detention Center (12 months for counting under office color, and 12 months for open and dirty delinquency counts, both serious offenses and should also be register as a sex offender Mr Norman was given a credit for a day's duty in jail.
In November 2012, Officer Jacquar Roston injured a man who he thought was involved in a domestic disturbance. Even the man just sat in the car. Nine months later he was suspended for 40 hours due to his poor judgment.
Source of the article : Wikipedia