
Sabtu, 07 Juli 2018

Mark Levin Donates Copy of The Federalist Papers to Hillsdale ...
src: www.marklevinshow.com

Mark Reed Levin (born September 21, 1957) is an American radio lawyer, writer and personality. She is hosting the syndicated radio show The Mark Levin Show, as well as Life, Liberty & amp; Levin on Fox News. Levin works in the administration of President Ronald Reagan and is chief of staff for Attorney General Edwin Meese. He is president of the Landmark Legal Foundation, has written seven books, and provides comments to various media such as National Review Online . On September 1, 2015, Levin became Editor in Chief of Conservative Review.

He is described as "conservative", "right wing" and "pro-Trump". Levin is known for criticizing the Democratic Party and pushing major challenges to members of the ruling Congressional Republican Party. He supported Ted Cruz in the Republican presidential party in 2016 but reluctantly backed Donald Trump after Trump won the Republican nomination for the presidency despite persistent criticism against him.

Video Mark Levin


Mark Reed Levin, one of three boys, was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and grew up in Erdenheim and Elkins Park, Pennsylvania. His father, Jack E. Levin, is the author of several books. He graduated from Cheltenham High School after three years in 1974. After high school, Levin enrolled at Temple University Ambler and graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa with B.A. in Political Science in 1977 at the age of 19 years. Levin won elections for the Cheltenham school board in 1977 on a property tax reduction platform. In 1980, Levin earned his J.D. from Temple University Beasley School of Law. Levin works for Texas Instruments after law school. He is a Jew.

Beginning in 1981, Levin served as an advisor to several members of President Ronald Reagan's cabinet, who eventually became president director of the presidency and eventually chief of staff for Attorney General Edwin Meese; Levin also served as deputy assistant secretary for primary and secondary education at the US Department of Education, and US Department of Home's lawyer's representative. He practices law in the private sector and is president of the Landmark Legal Foundation, a public interest law firm established in 1976 with offices in Kansas City, Missouri and Leesburg, Virginia.

Levin has participated in Freedom Concerts, an annual charity concert to help families of deceased soldiers, and use his radio program to promote aid to military families. Levin is also involved with Troopathon, a charity that sends care packages to soldiers serving overseas. In 2001, the American Conservative Union gave Levin the Ronald Reagan Award. He was awarded the Founder of Citizens United Andrew Breitbart of the First Amendment Award at CPAC in 2014.

Politico reports in 2014 that Levin earns over $ 300,000 a year as president of the nonprofit Landmark Legal Foundation, whose donors include the Sarah Scaife Foundation, the Charles G. Koch Charity Foundation and ExxonMobil.

Maps Mark Levin

Radio broadcast

Levin began his broadcasting career as a guest on the conservative talk radio program. Over the years, he has often been a contributor to legal opinions for The Rush Limbaugh Show, in which Limbaugh referred to him as "F. Lee Levin", tongue-in-cheek references to defense attorney F. Lee Bailey. He was also a contributor to The Sean Hannity Show and finally got his own radio slot at WABC, originally on Sundays starting in 2002, then at the following timeslot Sean Hannity in 2003. Cumulus Media Networks began syndication of The Mark Levin Show nationally in 2006.

Levin is known for his frequent use of "fools" and "vomit" for those who oppose him. Hannity has called Mark Levin "The Great One". Levin and Hannity still often become contributors to each other's programs. He is a prominent conservative commentator, ranked 4th nationally among lecture radio programs, with a minimum of 8.5 million total weekly listener (Spring 2011) according to Speaker magazine.

Former Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner said in October 2017 that Levin was responsible for influencing other conservative media voices such as Hannity and Rush Limbaugh to the far right, saying "right-wing man, Levin" he is completely mad and gets a lot of spectators, dragging Hannity to the dark side.He dragged Rush to the dark side. "

On February 11, 2016, Levin signed a "lifetime" (ten years) renewal contract with Westwood One, which will take its show via 2025, the 19th year.

Mark Levin: The Media 'Have Blood On Their Hands' | Daily Wire
src: www.dailywire.com

Television show

In November 2017, Fox News announced that they had signed Levin for a weekend event titled Life, Liberty & Levin airs on Sunday night at 10 pm Eastern Part from February 2018. According to pre-debut network news broadcast, the program will explore "fundamental values ​​and principles that underlie American society, culture, politics and events current, and their relevance to the future of the nation and the daily lives of citizens. "

Mark Levin: The attacks on Trump and his family are 'unparalleled ...
src: www.conservativereview.com


Levin wrote the 2005 book Men In Black: How the Supreme Court Destroys America , in which he proposes his thesis that the judge activists in the Supreme Court (from all parts of the political spectrum) have been "legislated from the bench". Commentary of Dan Seligman's magazine writes that Levin asked readers "to identify with 'originalists' who look to the text of the Constitution and its intentions, and reject the' activists' who interpret the Constitution broadly and are more concerned with getting ' desirable 'of their own. Slate Dahlia Lithwick magazine writes that "no serious scholar in court or Constitution, on left or right ideology, would waste their time involving Levin's argument after they read this book."

Saving Sprite: The Story of Dog Lover and Dog Lover is a non-fictional work written by Levin in 2007 about his experience of saving a dog named Sprite from a local animal shelter.

Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto was released in 2009, and became the best seller of the New York Times # 1 for eleven of twelve weeks, as well as Number 1 on Nielsen's BookScan and No. 2 on Amazon Bestseller list of the year 2009. This book covers discussions on various issues which, according to Levin, need to be discussed in the United States. In Levi rejects the use of the term "progressive" to describe "modern Liberals" and instead argues that the exact term should be "Statist". Liberty and Tyranny has sold over a million copies according to Threshold Editions, the publisher of the book. The National Review's Andrew C. McCarthy writes, "Levin offers not so much defense as a plan of attack" against "American Left Influence". Another reviewer criticized the book as "a totally useless analysis in understanding more than half of the American political landscape" while filling "Levin resorts with the same old information mistake to sell the brand of conservatism."

Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America was released in 2012. In Ameritopia, Levin discusses the origins and development of both modern conservative and liberal political philosophy, the latter one he calls "statist", through works from some of the leading figures in American history. Included are comments on works by Plato, Sir Thomas More, Thomas Hobbes, Karl Marx, John Locke, Charles de Montesquieu and Alexis de Tocqueville. Jeffrey Lord called it "the historical X-ray vision in book form". PJ Media praised the book, "Levin who wrote this book now shows not only his passion for the United States, but his awareness that he is a statesman defending natural law at an important moment in human history." On the other hand, The Atlantic 'review criticizes the book's argument that statism is based on utopianism, and a review by Professor Carlin Romano in the Chronicle of Higher Education is called the book "bad havoc from beginning to end".

Book 2013 Amendment of Independence: Restoring the American Republic shows eleven new constitutional amendments. The book debuted at # 1 on The New York Times Best Sellers list. Hans A. von Spakovsky of National Review calls the book "required reading for conservative bloggers". Ana Marie Cox, writing in The Guardian, said the book "contains some radical notions of a thorough reform of the US constitution, but to argue specifically about their merits is to ignore the greater madness of the project" while noting the special "madness" of 'improvements' and almost impossible to achieve. "In the Washington Times, the Executive Director of the Ten Victory Centers Michael Lotfi criticized Levin's idea as" a bullet to a revolver contained referring to the Constitution. "Also in the Times , Richard Rahn writes "If the 'Amendment to Independence' can help foster a national debate on corrective action, including constitutional amendments, necessary to promote freedom and prosperity, Mr. Levin will have a great national service. "Hoover Institution fellow David Davenport writes in Forbes that Levin's book uses a" weak argument. "Also in Forbes, Ralph Benko praises Levin with "prominently and nobly proposed to change the rules of modern politics and government".

Levin writes Deprivation and Fraud: the Exploitation of the Great Government on Young People and the Future by 2015, and Rediscover Americanism and the Tyrol of Progresvism by 2017.

Mark Levin Shreds Nancy Pelosi - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

Views on political issues, groups and politicians

Views on politicians and other individuals

According to The Guardian , "constant attacks on Democrats and left are important components" of Levin's modus operandi. According to Politico in May 2009, Levin said "almost every day" that Obama "failed, liars and" statist "trying to destroy individual freedoms." In June 2017, Levin accused Senator Bernie Sanders of being "a radical radical who believes in violence." According to Rutgers University political scientist Stephen Eric Bronner, Levin tends to use "socialism" as "a term to capture all policies that strengthen the social welfare function of the state." In July 2014, he called Jon Stewart "a fucking idiot", and declared that Stewart was a self-hating Jew.

He has criticized Republicans - including Paul Ryan, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, and Mitch McConnell - with whom he disagrees on "constitutional conservatism." He sometimes calls these people RINOs. In July 2009, Levin called former George W. Bush speech writer David Frum "complete and thorough deception". Levin endorsed Orrin Hatch when he faced major challenges in 2012, but later apologized for his support when Hatch said he would be willing to support the road to citizenship for illegal immigrants. Since then, he has supported a number of major Republican challengers to become Republican senators. Levin supported the Tea Party Patriots campaign to "fire" House Speaker John Boehner. Earlier in 2010, Levin criticized Glenn Beck for his criticism of Congressional congressmen.

In March 2016, Levin backed Ted Cruz for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. More than a month after Donald Trump was nominated, in September 2016, Levin told the radio program that he would vote for Trump in an election, after his early declaration that he was in the "Never Trump" camp. He qualifies his support by stating that, "I am not responsible for the stupid things he says or the stupid things his replacement says." Levin supports US Representative Mo Brooks in his campaign in a 2017 Alabama special election against peter Luther Strange, who had received a temporary appointment earlier in the year.

Group advocacy

During the 2012 election cycle, Levin's event was paid at least $ 757,000 in sponsorship by the American-backed Koch brothers for Welfare for ads for the group. After the sponsors ended, Levin started advertising for the Tea Party Patriots. In 2014, "The Conservative Fund of the Senate pays at least $ 427,000 to Simon & Schuster to buy copies of one of Levin's books in September and October 2013." During the same period, Levin often promoted the group, which has funded major Republican Senate challengers, on radio shows and Facebook pages. Levin did not disclose that the group had generated $ 427,000 from the purchase of his book.

Levin supported Orrin Hatch when Levin was sponsored by America for Prosperity (AFP) which also supported Hatch. Levin withdrew his support for Hatch when Levin was sponsored by the Tea Party Patriots, a group that funded the challengers to Hatch; and Levin supports the main challenger when the Senate Conservative Fund, a group that funded the main challenger for Republican candidates, bought $ 427,000 of his books. Levin dismissed allegations that he was involved in "pay to play".

Controversial view

President Obama

In 2009, Levin was described as a "completely true" statement by Sarah Palin that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) included a death panel to decide whether the elderly or sick children deserve medical care. In 2011, a caller to the Levin show, claiming to be a neurosurgeon, said that the Department of Health and Human Services has issued a document saying that people over the age of 70 will not be allowed to receive medical treatment. Levin said to the caller, "so Sarah Palin is right." The call was later revealed to be a hoax and the claim of a false death panel revealed. Levin satirically noted the similarity between the "elected" support group of the Affordable Care Act selected by the Obama administration to Nazi Sturmabteilung or "Brownshirts" drawing a comparison of propaganda techniques from both groups.

Levin stated in 2013 that "The Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our government" and called President Obama a "sympathizer" of the Muslim Brotherhood.

In February 2015, Levin stated that President Obama "sought to destroy Israel" because "Obama has an affinity for Islam far more than Christianity or Judaism." Levin also blames Obama for the Ebola crisis, saying "this government's political policy opens the door wide for people from the poorest parts of the world." We do not know who they are, we do not know if they have any illness. "

Wiretap Claim

In March 2017, Levin alleges that the Obama administration has been using "state police" surveillance tactics against Donald Trump's campaign during the 2016 presidential election. The Associated Press said Levin "voiced without evidence of the idea that Obama had tapped the Trump Tower ". Levin protested the report AP vigorously, demanding a retraction and an apology on the grounds that his source for the statement included The New York Times and other newspapers. His remarks were reprinted by Breitbart News and are reported to be the basis of Trump Trump's unfounded Trump Tower allegations. In September 2017, the report emerged from an attack by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) ordered by the court to campaign leader Trump Paul Manafort; while certain Trump supporters suspect that this oversight justifies the unsupported statements of Levin and Trump, David A. Graham of The Atlantic notes: "This is not true - Trump claims that he has been the subject of Obama's command, politically motivated surveillance, that there is still no evidence. "

"Deep State"

Levin claimed that there was a "coup" going on against Donald Trump's presidency by Obama's staunch supporters. The claim of Levin's coup refers to the investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 United States election and the alleged impediment of justice by Trump. Levin replied that "I declare that what is happening here is a coup activity" and that the Supreme Judge Robert Mueller seeks to "destroy the constitutional system, that is the use of the law to subvert the elections." He also suggested that former FBI Director James Comey use the Trump-Russian document "to blackmail the president."

Clinton_paid_for_a_warrant.2C_FBI_colluded_with_Russians "> Clinton pays a warrant, FBI colludes with Russia

On 5 February 2018, Levin claimed that Nunes Memo showed "Hillary Clinton paid a warrant" and "Hillary Clinton colludes with Russia... it seems the FBI at the most senior level colludes with Russia as well." Levin's claims are based on the fact that the FBI paid former British spy Christopher Steele for Russian-related intelligence information that led to a warrant to oversee former Trump Carter Page campaign advisor by 2016, and that Steele had been indirectly paid by an affiliated source with the Democratic Party.

However, the memo says Steele is "an old FBI source" and that separate investigations into Russian contacts with the Trump campaign are not based on information in Steele's files; Page has been under FBI investigation at least since 2013.

Climate change

Levin rejected the scientific consensus on climate change.

Evolutionary biology

On April 29, 2018, Levin dedicated his weekly Fox News program to his thesis that evolutionary biology is not a science, claiming that "the idea of ​​Darwinism, atheism, is truly progressive... they really do not work with constitutionalism" adding that "Darwinianism... leads to tyrannical forms, in my view ". Levin also attacked the legitimacy of other sciences including political science, behavioral sciences and social sciences, lamenting that they were "applied progressively, by communism" and "born out of, among others, Darwinism". The next day at his radio show, Levin further clarified his position by commenting that "DNA is science, evolution is not a science".

WMD in Iraq

In 2014, Levin cited reports of US soldiers in Iraq who were wounded by remnants of the rotting chemical arsenal of Saddam Hussein as justification of the Bush administration's early thought for the Iraq War, although the Iraq Survey Group (ISG) found that "while a small amount of old chemical ammunition has been left uncovered, the ISG judged that Iraq unilaterally destroyed the stock of chemical weapons not declared in 1991. "Furthermore, Levin blames the Bush administration for not doing more to publish the remnants of the former WMD Iraq program.

Voting kicks off to select Mark Levin for induction into the ...
src: www.conservativereview.com


New York Times snubs Mark Levin, removes new book from #1 best ...
src: www.theblaze.com

External links

  • Mark Levin Show, official site
  • Levin's Official Show Audio Rewind
  • Landmark Legal Foundation
  • Levin TV on YouTube
  • Appearance in C-SPAN
  • Mark Levin at Goodreads

Source of the article : Wikipedia
