
Selasa, 12 Juni 2018

50 Years of Gov. Browns and Me.
src: www.paulmorantz.com

Edmund Gerald "Pat" Brown Sr. (April 21, 1905 - February 16, 1996) was an American politician and lawyer who served as the 32nd California Governor from 1959 to 1967. Born in San Francisco, Brown had an early interest in speech and politics; she earned her LL.B. degree in 1927, and then began legal practice. As a district attorney for San Francisco, he was elected California Attorney General in 1950 before becoming state governor in 1959. As governor, Brown embarked on major projects, building critical infrastructure and redefining the state higher education system. While running twice for the President in 1960 and 1964, finishing second and first in preliminary elections, respectively, he never became a serious contender in the national convention. Despite losing his bid for a third term in 1966 to President Ronald Reagan in the future, his legacy makes him think of himself as a modern California builder. His son, Edmund G. "Jerry" Brown Jr. is the 34th child and is currently the 39th California Governor; his daughter, Kathleen Brown, is the 29th State Treasurer of California.

Video Pat Brown

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Brown was born in San Francisco, California, one of four children from Ida (nÃÆ' Â © e Schuckman) and Edmund Joseph Brown. His father is from an Irish Catholic family, and his mother is from a German Protestant family. He earned the nickname "Pat" during his school years; his nickname was a reference to his Patrick Henry speech. When he was 12 and selling Liberty Bonds around the corner, he would end his talk with, "Give me freedom, or give me death."

Brown was a debating champion as a member of the Lowell Forensic Society at Lowell San Francisco School, where he held twelve student government offices; he graduated from Lowell in 1923. Instead of pursuing a college degree, he instead worked at his father's cigar shop. He studied law at night, while working part-time for lawyer Milton Schmitt, received LL.B. degree from San Francisco Law School in the spring of 1927. After passing the exam in California the following autumn, he began full-time work at Schmitt's office.

Four years after his defeat, Brown re-nominated a district attorney in 1943 with the slogan "Crack down on evil, choose Brown this time." His victory over Brady was decisive, shocking the San Francisco politicians, as well as the bettors who had placed 5-1 chances against his election. He was re-elected to office in 1947, and after seven years in office, received the support of Governor Earl Warren. He imitated the course that Warren followed when the governor himself was the district attorney for Alameda County. While his actions against gambling, corruption and juvenile delinquency brought confidence to his office, Brown also sided with controversy, with his vocal opposition to the Internment of Japanese Americans, as well as attempts to deport Harry Bridges. In 1949, he raided the elegant San Francisco Sally Stanford.

In 1946, as a Democrat candidate, Brown was unable to compete for the California Attorney General to the Los Angeles County District Attorney, Frederick N. Howser. Running again in 1950, he won the election as Attorney General and was re-elected in 1954. As Attorney General, he was the only Democrat to win state elections in California.

Maps Pat Brown

California Governor (1959-1967)

In 1958, he was a Democratic nominee for governor, running a campaign of "responsible liberalism," with support for workers, and forcing the change of the name of Proposition 18 from "Rights-to-Work" to "Company Relations and Employees," while opponents Brown campaigned for the right to work legislation such as that provided Proposition 18. In the election, Brown defeated US Senator William F. Knowland with nearly three-fifths of a majority, Proposition 18 and other anti-voicemail ballot measures denied, and Democrats elected to a majority in both legislative assemblies, and to all statewide offices, except for the Secretary of State.

Brown attended a press conference on September 3, 1960, the then-Democratic candidate John F. Kennedy in San Francisco, Kennedy thanked Brown for being there during his opening remarks.

Brown is known for his cheerful personality, and strives for infrastructure development to meet the needs of a fast-growing country. As journalist Adam Nagourney reports:

With a delightful officer of Mr. Brown, California commemorated the moment as the nation's greatest nation, in 1962, with a four-day church-ringing-bell-ring celebration. He is the governor of the boom boom for the boom-boom time: fighting for highways, universities and, most importantly, a vast network of water to feed agricultural explosions and development in central dry areas and Southern California.

California Waterworks Project

With his government begun in 1959, Brown set in motion a series of actions not seen since governor Hiram Johnson. The economic expansion after World War II brought millions of newcomers to a country that, along with the country's cyclical drought, California's water resources are very tense, especially in the arid Southern California. It started the California Water State Project, whose goal was to address the fact that half of the country's people live in an area containing one percent of the country's natural water supply. Much of the country's remaining water is controlled by regional bodies, and the federal government. These federally controlled areas are under the jurisdiction of the Reclamation Bureau, which considers the application of the "160-acre principle", the policy contained in the Newlands Reclamation Act of 1902, limits the delivery of federal subsidized water to packages equal to the size of a homestead, which 160 hectares. This creates a strong opposition from the agricultural industry, and thus would require significant destruction of existing land ownership. To mitigate this threat to the agricultural economy, Brown and other country leaders embarked on the Water Country Project, whose master plan includes a vast system of reservoirs, waterways and pipelines supported by pumping stations and power plants to transport statewide water. These include the catching of the River Sacramento runoff, directing sea water through the San Joaquin Valley, not only irrigating the arid desert region, but also providing Southern California, especially Los Angeles County, with the water needed to sustain the expansion in the population and industry.. The entire project is projected to take sixty years, worth $ 13 billion, almost $ 104 billion in 2015 dollars.

Opposition to the Water Country Project is imminent, especially with users of the Sacramento River Delta who are concerned about the intrusions of sea water that are of concern without considering the diversion of freshwater flows out. The inhabitants of the Gulf Region and elsewhere in Northern California are concerned about the interesting water upsurge South might demand as the population expanded. While the Southern support for the project is clear, the Southern Metropolitan Water District of California is concerned that the project does not guarantee permanent rights to Northern waters. This caused the legislature to change the plan, banning the state's southern water right to be revoked, clearing all remaining reservations from the state's southern water authority. Governor Brown is a staunch supporter of the plan, vigorously opposing criticism and seeking solutions. He lobbied Congress to free California from the 160-acre rule, extolling job benefits and progress for northern and southern citizens, calling for an end to north-south rivalry. Brown also reduced the issue of introductory bonds from $ 11 billion to $ 1.75 billion, starting a television campaign to attract residents. Governor Brown insisted on the Burns-Porter Act that sent the issue of bonds to a referendum; The 1960 election saw Butte County as the only Northern California region that did not vote against it. However, the growing population of Southern California led to the adoption of the plan.

Political reform

The first year of Brown's administration saw the abolition of a cross-submission system that allowed the candidate to file with many political parties at once while running for office. The Supreme Court's Decision 1964 on Reynolds v. Sims declared an unconstitutional "federal plan" of California, which had allocated the distribution of state senators through the county line, as opposed to population-based districts. Now, while San Francisco County has a state senator, Los Angeles County receives thirteen; This massive shift in legislative composition led to Brown, along with Chairman of the Council Jesse M. Unruh, to change the way the California government operates. In 1962, the Commission for the Revision of the Constitution, which operated until 1974, was founded, proposed a state constitutional amendment of 1879, reducing the length and complexity of nearly 50 per cent through a sound proposal recommended by the commission, of which seventy-five per cent was approved by voters.. Reforms such as the abolition of the 120-day limit on legislative sessions, increasing the legislator's salary, and reducing the percentage of signatures needed to place propositions on the ballot. Governor Brown insisted on Unruh's reforms that abolished government institutions, and consolidated others.


As part of the country's response to the launch of Sputnik 1 by the Soviet Union, Brown signed the Master Plan for California for Higher Education in 1960. The new system defines the roles of the University of California, California State University, and California Community College systems, each with a purpose, , offer, and different student compositions. It provides a model for other countries to develop their own similar systems. Governor Brown is seeking a free higher education for California students, provided by the Master Plan. His successor, Ronald Reagan, will change this policy, demanding student fees.

The selection of 1962 and Richard Nixon

Brown's first term as governor was very successful, but failure in important matters to him was very expensive. Agriculture and special interests defeated his best efforts to provide a minimum wage of $ 1.25 per hour, and Brown's opposition to the death penalty was rejected by state-backed training. Brown was a supporter of Senator John F. Kennedy in the 1960 Presidential election, but the Brown delegation in California for the Democratic National Convention did not adhere to his support for Kennedy, which almost harmed Kennedy. Brown's opponent in 1962 was former Vice President Richard Nixon. After losing the presidency to John F. Kennedy in 1960, Nixon was not interested in the governor of his home country, California, for being the road to the White House. Unfamiliar with California's politics and problems, Nixon was forced to accuse Brown of 'soft' against communism, which was not a successful platform. In the November election of 1962, Brown was re-elected as governor, with a four-point margin of victory, while Nixon famously held the "last press conference", although he would eventually become President in 1969.

Second term

The legislature endorsed the Rumford Fair Housing Law, which provides that landlords can not deny people housing due to ethnicity, religion, sex, marital status, physical disability, or family status. The new law brought many lawsuits against the state government, and led to California Proposition 14 (1964), which overturned the Rumford Act with nearly two thirds in favor. The US Supreme Court's decision on Reitman v. Mulkey (387 U.S. 369) corroborates the California Supreme Court ruling that the proposition that annuls the Rumford Act is unconstitutional.

Brown's term in office is characterized by a dramatic increase in water resources development. The California Aqueduct, built as part of the program, is named for her. He also led the ratification of the California Master Plan for Higher Education, fair employment law, state economic development commission, and consumer councils. He sponsored about 40 major proposals, earning 35 sections.

Watts Riots

On August 11, 1965, Watt's riots erupted in the neighborhood of Watts Los Angeles, which lasted for a week. In the afternoon of the same day, Marquette Frye quit on suspicion of driving while under the influence; trial of field calm was given, he was arrested, and the police officer asked for his vehicle confiscated. When his mother, Rena Price, was taken to the scene by her brother, a fight began, and soon the crowd built, making the incident a major uproar. On August 13, the third day of the riots, Governor Brown ordered 2,300 National Guards to Watts, which increased to 3,900 at night. At the end of the conflict, $ 40 million damage has been inflicted, and 1,000 buildings were destroyed. The incident started massive protests and riots across the country which, along with the development of the Vietnam War, began to decline Brown's popularity.

Death penalty

During both tenure, Brown changed 23 death penalties, signed the first turn on his second day at the office. One of the most notable displacements is the death penalty of Erwin "Machine-Gun" Walker, whose execution in the gas chamber for first-degree murder has been delayed due to a suicide attempt several hours before it is scheduled to take place. After Walker recovered, his execution was postponed while he was returned to his mental competence. After Walker was declared sane in 1961, Brown converted Walker's death sentence into life without the possibility of parole. Walker was later released after the California Supreme Court declared that Governor Brown could not legally deny a prisoner the right to parole in the death sentence. Another prisoner whose death sentence was changed by Brown did at least one murder after his release.

While the governor, Brown's attitude toward capital punishment is often ambivalent, if not arbitrary. As a strong supporter of gun control, he is more likely to let inmates go to the gas chamber if they are killed by guns compared to other weapons. He later admitted that he had rejected forgiveness in a death sentence case primarily because the legislator representing the district where the murder took place was swinging sounds on Brown's agricultural labor legislation, and has told Brown that his district "will rise in smoke "if the governor changed the man's punishment.

In contrast, Governor Brown approved 36 executions, including controversial cases of Caryl Chessman in 1960 and Elizabeth Duncan; she was the last woman killed before the national moratorium was instituted. Although he had supported the death penalty while serving as district attorney, as the attorney general, and when the first governor was elected, he later became his opponent.

During the Chessman case, Brown proposed that the death penalty be removed, but the proposal failed. His Republican successor, Ronald Reagan, was a staunch supporter of the death penalty and oversaw the final execution in California in 1967, before the US Supreme Court ruling that it was unconstitutional at Furman v. Georgia (1972).

Campaign for the third semester

Brown's decision to seek a third term as governor, breaking his previous promise not to do so, hurt his popularity. Its sagging popularity is evidenced by heavy fighting in the Democratic primary, usually not a problem for an incumbent. Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty received nearly forty percent of the primary vote while Brown received only fifty-two, a very low number for a candidate in the primary election.

The Republicans snatched Brown's increasingly unpopular popularity by nominating a famous and charismatic foreign politician, actor and union leader Ronald Reagan. With Richard Nixon and William Knowland working tirelessly behind the scenes and Reagan echoing his legal-and-order campaign message, Reagan received nearly two-thirds of the primary vote over George Christopher, the former moderate mayor of the Republic of San Francisco; his impetus toward elections provided tremendous momentum. Initially, Brown ran a low-key campaign, stating that running the country was his biggest priority, but then began campaigning on an eight-year record as governor. As Reagan's leadership at the polls rose, Brown began to panic and made mistakes when he told a group of schoolchildren that an actor, John Wilkes Booth, had killed Abraham Lincoln, who offended Reagan as an actor. Reagan's comparison with Booth did not go well, continuing the decline of Brown's campaign.

On election day, Reagan advanced in polls and was favored to win a relatively closed election. Brown lost the 1966 election to Ronald Reagan in his second consecutive race against the future President of the Republic. Reagan won with a landslide; nearly 1 million plurality votes even surprised his most loyal supporters. Reagan's victory was a dramatic upheaval for a petahana, whose majority of fifty-eight percent almost matched Brown's own victory in 1958, and Reagan garnered about 990,000 new votes from the larger electorate.


Even though he left the office defeated, Brown's time at the office was one of the lucky ones. Brown was a relatively popular Democrat at the time, at that time, a country leaning towards the Republic. After his victory back over Richard Nixon in 1962, he was strongly considered for Lyndon Johnson's running couple in 1964, a position that eventually went to Hubert Humphrey. However, Brown's popularity began to sag in the midst of civil disturbances from the Watts Riot and early anti-Vietnam War demonstrations at U.C. Berkeley. Its monumental infrastructure projects, building waterways, canals, and pumping stations, build new fertile land in the Central Valley; Governor Edmund G. Brown California Aqueduct is named after him. The state sees four new University of California, and seven new California State Universities built, making the Master Plan education system the largest in the world. Although no one elected as Governor of California has been denied a second term since Earl Warren defeated Culbert Olson in 1942, Brown's losing bid for a third term for Ronald Reagan is the last time, in 2014 an incumbent governor loses the election ( Gray Davis's loss in 2003 memory is a non-quadrennial election Today, Governor Brown is widely credited with the creation of modern California.

Impossible Foods 2015 Disruptor 50
src: fm.cnbc.com

Personal life

Brown's wife, Bernice Layne, was a student at Lowell High School, but it was not until the completion of her law degree, and her teaching beliefs, that they started dating. After his defeat in the election of the Assembly, he and Bernice eloped 1929. They will have four children, all of whom were born in San Francisco:

  • Barbara Layne Brown (born July 13, 1931)
  • Cynthia Arden Brown (born October 19, 1933 - March 29, 2015)
  • Edmund Gerald "Jerry" Brown Jr. (born 7 April 1938)
  • Kathleen Lynn Brown (born September 25, 1945)

In 1958, as elected governor, Brown emerged as a guest challenger on the TV panel show What's My Line?

Brown died at age 90 in Beverly Hills and was buried at Holy Cross Cemetery in Colma. His funeral is the most recent governor's funeral held in the state of California to date, not counting the state cemetery of President Ronald Reagan.

Teachers Questions & Answers on Gender Roles (Animo Pat Brown ...
src: i.ytimg.com

Presidential and vice presidential candidates

Unlike his son, Jerry, Pat himself never seriously run for president of the United States, but often a California "beloved son." During the 1952 Democratic introduction, Brown placed second to Estes Kefauver in total votes (65.04% to 9.97%), losing California to Kefauver. During the first period of Governor Brown, the national census confirmed that California would be the most populous country. This, along with Brown's political popularity, will contribute to the two victories of the national President, when he cast his vote to national candidate John F. Kennedy in 1960, and Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964, at the Democratic convention. As governor, Brown again became California's favorite son in 1960, winning his state by a large margin for his only opponent, George H. McLain. Operating primarily in primary California, the size of the state population places it second, behind the eventual candidate, John F. Kennedy, thus repeating his 1952 national and national rankings. However, only one delegate voted for Brown at the 1960 Democratic National Convention.

During the introduction of 1964, with a return only in California, the country's largest voting voice of the country, Brown placed first this time in both California and the national total national Democrats, besting the eventual nomination. However, along with more than a dozen other candidates, besides George Wallace, Brown is a stalker for petahana Lyndon B. Johnson, whose nomination is assured.

Brown also briefly sought a nomination for Vice Presidential candidate for Adlai Stevenson II in 1956 of the Democratic National Convention, winning one vote.

Jerry Brown's Secret War on Clean Energy â€
src: static1.squarespace.com

Electoral history

From the Archives: Edmund G. 'Pat' Brown, Former Governor, Dies
src: www.latimes.com

See also

  • Membership discrimination at California social club

Personality: Pat Brown, fat buster | Bakersfield Life ...
src: bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com


1958. Pat Brown with his wife, Bernice Layne Brown, and Senator ...
src: i.pinimg.com


  • Brown, Edmund G., Reagan and Reality: The Two Californias . (NY, 1970.)
  • R. Rapoport. California Dreaming: Political Journey of Pat & amp; Jerry Brown . Berkeley: Nolo Press (1982) ISBN: 0-917316-48-7.
  • Rarick, Ethan (2006), California Rising: Life and Time Pat Brown , Berkeley, California: University of California Press
  • Rice, Richard B. (2012). The Elusive Eden: A New History of California . New York: McGraw-Hill. ISBN 978-0-07-338556-3.

0000 PAT BROWN RD - MILTON - 537071
src: images-cdn.torchx.com

External links

  • Official and portrait biography from the State of California
  • California State of Mind: Pat Brown's Inheritance
  • The California chocolate family at The Political Graveyard
  • FBI Pat Brown file, which is stored on the Internet Archive:
    • Common file
    • FBI investigation of Brown commissioned by the Atomic Energy Commission

Source of the article : Wikipedia
