
Selasa, 10 Juli 2018

Nuts!' blends fact and fiction in this tale of eccentric inventor ...
src: www.latimes.com

John Romulus Brinkley (later John Richard Brinkley ; July 8, 1885 - May 26, 1942) was an American who claimed to be a medical doctor (he had no legal medical education and bought his medical degree from the "diploma factory") later became known as the "goat gland doctor" after he achieved national fame, international fame, and immense wealth through the xenotransplantation of goat testes into humans. Although Brinkley initially promoted this procedure as a means to cure male impotence, he finally claimed that the technique was a virtual elixir for various male illnesses. He operates clinics and hospitals in several states, and despite the fact that from the very beginning, critics and critics in the medical community have really discredited his method, he has been able to continue his activities for nearly two decades.

He was also, almost unintentionally, an advertising and radio pioneer who started the era of Mexican border blaster radios.

Although he was deprived of medical practice in Kansas and several other states, Brinkley, a demagogue loved by hundreds of thousands of people in Kansas and elsewhere, but launched two campaigns for the Kansas Governor, one of which almost succeeded. Brinkley's rise to fame and fortune was as steep as his eventual downfall: At the peak of his career he had amassed millions of dollars; but he died of illness and almost no money, due to the many malpractices, wrongful deaths and fraudulent demands filed against him.

Video John R. Brinkley

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Brinkley was born by John Richard Brinkley, a poor mountain man who practiced medicine in North Carolina and served as a medical officer for the United States Confederate Army during the American Civil War. Brinkley's first marriage was canceled because he was a minor. After he reached adulthood, he married four more times, and lived longer than any of his young wives. In 1870, at the age of 42, he married Sarah T. Mingus. Then, a 24-year-old nephew from Mingus moved into the house: Sarah Candice Burnett. The family summoned Brinkley's wife "Sally" to distinguish between the two Sarahs. Sarah Burnett gave birth outside marriage to John Romulus Brinkley in the town of Beta, in Jackson County, North Carolina, named his son after his father, and after Romulus, the mythical twin that is fed by wolves. Sarah Burnett died of pneumonia and tuberculosis when Brinkley was five years old. Sarah T. "Aunt Sally" and John Brinkley moved with the boy to East LaPorte in the same area, near the Tuckasegee River. The family had little money during this time.

John Richard Brinkley died when his son was ten years old. Young Brinkley attends a one-room log cabin school in the Tuckasegee area, which is held annually for three or four winter months. There, Brinkley meets Sally Margaret Wike, daughter of a high school board member. When Brinkley was 13, the term school was extended, and a better teacher was involved. Brinkley completed his studies at the age of 16 and began working with local inter-city letters, and learned how to use the telegraph. He hopes, however, to become a doctor.

Maps John R. Brinkley

Family and education

As a telegrapher, Brinkley went to New York City to work at Western Union, after which he moved to New Jersey to work in one, then another, a railroad company. At the end of 1906, he returned to Aunt Sally's house after hearing that she was not well. He died on December 25, 1906. After that, he was entertained by Sally Wike, aged 22 and one year older than Brinkley. They married on January 27, 1907, in Sylva, North Carolina. They went around pretending to be Quaker doctors, giving rural towns a drug show where they bought patent drugs. Brinkley's next move was to Knoxville, Tennessee, where he played his right hand, helping elawility "tonic" with a man named Dr. Burke.

In 1907, Brinkley lived with his wife in Chicago, where they celebrated the birth of a princess on November 5th - Wanda Marion Brinkley. The new father enrolled at Bennett Medical College, a school without accreditation with a questionable curriculum focusing on Eclectic medicine. Brinkley worked for Western Union as a telegrapher at night and attended classes during the day, while debt increased from tuition, the cost of raising a family, and from Sally's self-centered desire. In 1908, Brinkleys buried a baby boy who lived only three days.

At school, Brinkley was introduced to the study of gland extract and its effects on the human system. He decided that this new field would help move his career forward. After two years of study, and deeper debt, Brinkley doubled his summer workload by taking two shifts at Western Union, but came home one day to find his wife and daughter away. Sally filed for divorce and child support, but after two months of payment, Brinkley abducted her daughter and escaped with her to Canada. Sally Brinkley, unable to obtain an extradition order from Canada, dismissed her lawsuit for alimony and child support, allowing Brinkley to return to Chicago with the boy. The couple were reunited in their rocky marriage.

In 1911, before Brinkley finished with his third year of study, Sally left him again, and gave birth to another daughter, Erna Maxine Brinkley, on July 11, 1911, back home in the Tuckasegee area. Brinkley leaves Chicago and his unpaid school money to return to North Carolina and join his family. There, he began working as a "doctor of scholars", but failed to build himself. He moved his family to cities in Florida and North Carolina, "packing and going all the time from place to place."

Diploma mill

In 1912, Brinkley left his family to try to get back his educational thread, this time at St. Louis, Missouri. He could not pay Bennett Medical College the money he paid them, so they refused to pass his scholastic record to one of the medical schools Brinkley had approached. Instead, Brinkley bought a certificate from a diploma factory known as Kansas City Eclectic Medical University and returned home. On February 11, 1913, his daughter Naomi Beryl Brinkley was born. Family five immediately moved to New York City, and shortly afterwards to Chicago. When Brinkley refused to let go of being a doctor, Sally Brinkley left her for the last time, taking the three girls home to North Carolina.

Brinkley set up a storefront business in Greenville, South Carolina with a man named James E. Crawford (using alias J. W. Burks). The two opened their stores as "Greenville Electro Medic Doctors", and advertised to attract people who were worried about their male power. They inject colored water into their patients for $ 25 ($ 700 in current value), telling them that it is a Salvarsan or "electrician from Germany". After two months, the partners hastily left the city with rent, utility bills and debt for unpaid pharmaceutical clothes and supplies. The local newspaper reported that the duo left about 30 to 40 local merchants with unpaid checks. They ended up where Crawford lived, in Memphis, Tennessee.

Second marriage

In Memphis, Brinkley met Minerva Telitha "Minnie" Jones, 21, a friend of Crawford's and daughter of a local doctor. On August 23, 1913, after four days of courtship, Brinkley and Jones married at the Peabody Hotel, though he was still married to Sally Brinkley. Minnie and John Brinkley honeymooned in Kansas City, Denver, Pocatello, and Knoxville. Brinkley was arrested in Knoxville and extradited to Greenville where he was imprisoned for practicing medicine without a license and writing a bad check. Brinkley told the sheriff that it was all Crawford's fault, and gave investigators enough information that they were able to catch Crawford at Pocatello. Both former partners meet again in prison. Brinkley and Minerva had a son, John, who would commit suicide in the 1970s.

Brinkley and Crawford decided to settle out of court with the merchants of Greenville for a few thousand dollars, most of what Crawford paid. Brinkley's new father-in-law pays Brinkley's assurances, but only contributes $ 200 for the settlement of his debts ($ 5,300 in current value.). Brinkley rejoined Minnie Brinkley in Memphis. There, Sally Brinkley confronts the couple, telling Minnie Brinkley that her husband is a bigamist. Minnie and John Brinkley moved to Judsonia, Arkansas, where he regained his "undergraduate license" for medical practice, advertising his specialty as "women's and children's diseases". He made a little profit, and joined the Army Medical Corps.

Brinkley accepted an offer to take over another doctor who moved from the state. Brinkley began to make a decent profit, and was finally able to pay Bennett Medical University, the amount to be paid for tuition. In October 1914, Brinkleys moved to Kansas City where he enrolled at the city's Eclectic Medical University to end his final year of education which he started at Bennett. After studying the irritation and enlargement of the prostate gland in elderly men, and paying the university $ 100 ($ 2,400 in current value), Brinkley graduated on May 7, 1915. His diploma from Eclectic enabled him to practice medicine in eight states. While in Kansas City, Brinkley took a job as a doctor for the Swift and Company factory, patched minor injuries and studied animal physiology. This is where Brinkley learned that popular opinion states that the healthy animal slaughtered at the factory is a goat, something that will prove crucial to his medical career later on.

To overcome the possibility of his bigami being revealed, Minnie encourages Brinkley to file for divorce from Sally, which he did in December 1915. To prevent the court from asking Sally directly, he writes that they were married in New York City, and that he do not know where he lives now. The divorce was completed on 21 February 1916. Four days later, Minnie and Brinkley remarried, this time in Liberty, Missouri. Brinkley did not wait for six months from divorce to the next return.

In 1917, Brinkley, now an Army, was called to serve during World War I. However, he served only a little over two months, most of the duration of his illness with a nervous breakdown, before being dismissed. In October of the same year, Brinkley and his wife moved to Milford, Kansas after seeing a newspaper ad saying the city needed a doctor.

A con man tells his own story in the animated documentary
src: proanimatie.ro

Goat gland transplant

In 1918, Brinkley opened a 16-room clinic in Milford, where he won local residents immediately by paying good wages, encouraging the local economy and making home calls to patients suffering from the deadly plague and flu pandemic of 1918. For all his hate then as a shaman, his success stories to the victims of nursing flu returned to health, and the extent to which he went to care for them, turned out to be very positive.

As told in a biography commissioned by Brinkley, he finds the idea of ​​moving the goat's testicles to a man when a patient comes to him to ask if he can fix someone who is "sexually weak". Brinkley responded jokingly that the patient would have no problem if he had "a pair of [goat] glands in you". The patient then begged Brinkley to try the operation, which Brinkley did, for $ 150. (The patient's son then told The Kansas City Star that Brinkley actually offered to pay his father "very well" if he followed his experiment mentioned.)

At his clinic, Brinkley began performing more operations that he claimed would restore male virility and fertility through the planting of goat's testis gland in his male patient at a cost of $ 750 per operation ($ 9,200 in current value). Following one of its rough operations, the patient's body will usually absorb the goat gonads as a foreign object. The organs are never accepted as part of the body because they are simply placed into the human male testes or female abdominal sacs, near the ovaries.

Not surprisingly, given the questionable medical training (completion of 75 percent in poor medical schools), the frequency of surgery while the operating environment is drunk and less sterile, some patients suffer from infections, and an undetermined amount dies. Brinkley will be sued more than a dozen times for wrongful deaths between 1930 and 1941.

As soon as Brinkley opened the shop, he scored an advertising coup that made the mainstream newspaper come calling: the wife of his first goat gland transplant patient gave birth to a baby boy. Brinkley began promoting goat glands as a cure for 27 diseases, from dementia to emphysema to flatulence. He started a direct mail blitz and hired an advertising agency, which helped Brinkley describe his care as turning a poor man into a "ram together with every lamb". The rise of publicity - and its stratospheric claims - drew the attention of the American Medical Association, which sent agents to clinics to investigate disguises. The agent found a woman limping around the Brinkley clinic that had been given goat ovary as a cure for spinal cord tumors. Since then, Brinkley is on the AMA radar, including catching the eye of a doctor who will eventually be responsible for his downfall, Morris Fishbein, who made his career expose medical fraud.

At the same time, other doctors also experimented with gland transplants, including Serge Voronoff, who became famous for grafting testicles into male monkeys. In 1920, Voronoff demonstrated his technique in the presence of several other doctors at a hospital in Chicago, where Brinkley appeared uninvited. Although Brinkley was banned on the doorstep, his performance improved his profile in the media, which eventually resulted in his own demonstrations at a Chicago hospital. Brinkley withdrew the goat's testicles to 34 patients, including a judge, a city councilman, a warder and chancellor of the now defunct Chicago School of Law (not to be confused with the University of Chicago Law School), all the time the press observed. His public profile grew, and the business gland in Milford continued to run rapidly.

In 1922, Brinkley traveled to Los Angeles at the invitation of Harry Chandler, owner of the Los Angeles Times, who challenged Brinkley to move the goat testis to one of his editors. If the operation was a success, Chandler wrote, he would make Brinkley "the most famous surgeon in America", and if not, he should consider himself "cursed". California did not recognize Brinkley's license to practice medicine from the University of Eclectic Medicine, but Chandler pulled a few ropes and gave him a 30-day permit. The operation was considered a success, and Brinkley received the attention he promised on Chandler's paper, which sent many new customers to Brinkley Street, including some Hollywood movie stars. Brinkley was so enamored of the city - and all the money he represented in the form of a potential patient - that he started making plans to relocate his clinic there. But his hopes vanished when California's medical board denied its application to a permanent license for medical practice, having found his resume "full of lies and inconsistencies" (mostly found and shown to the board by Fishbein). Brinkley returned to Kansas undaunted and began to expand his clinic in Milford.

Brinkley's activities inspired the term 'goat gland' film industry - the connection of a series of talks to silent films to make them worthwhile.

Brinkley's first radio station

While in Los Angeles, Brinkley toured KHJ, a radio station owned by Chandler. He immediately saw the power radio held up as an advertising and marketing medium and decided to build his own to promote his services, even though at the time advertisements on public broadcasts were strongly discouraged. In 1923, he had enough capital to build KFKB ("Kansas First, Kansas Best" or sometimes "Kansas Folks Know Best") using a 1 kilowatt transmitter. In the same year, St. Louis Star publishes a scathing exposure to the medical diploma factory, and in 1924, the Kansas City Journal followed suit, bringing Brinkley's attention. In July 1924, the jury in San Francisco left 19 counts to the persons responsible for awarding a false medical title, and for some doctors who accepted it; Brinkley is one, mainly because of the questionable application for a California medical license. When an agent from California came to arrest Brinkley, the governor of Kansas refused to extradite him because he made the country too much money. Brinkley picked up his radio station to crow about his victory over the American Medical Association and Fishbein, who at this time had begun to give a speech and write articles for the American Medical Association Journal that ridiculed Brinkley and shamanism. Business glands generate more money than ever before, and start attracting patients from all over the world.

Brinkley talked for hours every day on the radio, especially promoting the care of his goat glands. He variously persuaded, embarrassed and appealed to male ego (and woman), and their desire to become more sexually active. Among Brinkley's own ads, his new station featured a variety of entertainment including military bands, French lessons, astrological forecasts, storytelling and exotica such as Hawaiian original songs, and American roots music including old string bands, gospel and early country.

Advertising boosted his radio station gave him immense, and Milford also benefited; Brinkley paid for new sewerage systems and sidewalks, installed electricity, built stages and apartments for patients and employees, and a new post office to handle all his letters. He was given the name "admiral" in the Kansas Navy and sponsored a home baseball team called Goat Brinkley.

Eager for better credentials, in 1925 Brinkley went to Europe to seek honorary degrees. After being rejected by several institutions in England, Brinkley found a willing applicant at a university in Pavia, Italy. Former Fishbein and Brinkley teacher Max Thorek hears about the title and presses the Italian government to cancel it. Benito Mussolini himself revoked the title, though Brinkley claimed it until he died. Fishbein's interest in putting Brinkley out of business grew and he wrote more articles featuring stories about people who were sick or died after seeing Brinkley. But AMA journal readers are mostly limited to other doctors, while Brinkley radio stations are directly poured into people's homes every day.

After his birth on September 3, 1927, the small voice of Brinkley's son, John Richard Brinkley III, dubbed "Johnny Boy", was heard on the radio program. Noting the arrival of the baby after 14 years of marriage, some observers wonder whether Brinkley has taken care of his goat glands. The Brinkleys denied such rumors.

Medical Questionn Box

Brinkley started claiming his goat glands could also help male prostate problems, and expand his business again. He also started a new radio segment called "Medical Question Box", where he will read audiences' medical complaints over the air and suggest exclusive treatment. This treatment is only available on pharmacy networks that are members of the "Brinkley Pharmacy Association". The affiliated pharmacies sold Brinkley's drugs on top of the counter medicines, sending some of their profits back to Brinkley and saving the rest. It is estimated that this generates $ 14,000 in weekly form for Brinkley, or about $ 10,664,800 per year in current value. Reports of patients using the suggested treatments of ill-considered Brinkley in another doctor's office began to grow, and finally Merck & amp; Drugs Co., which Brinkley's drugs routinely misidentified, asked Fishbein to take action; The AMA replied that they had no power over Brinkley, except to try to tell the public.

Kansas City Star , which owns radio stations that compete with Brinkley's, runs a series of unfavorable reports about her. In 1930, when the Kansas Medical Council held an official hearing to decide whether Brinkley's medical license should be revoked, Brinkley had signed death certificates for 42 people, many of whom did not hurt when they appeared in his clinic. It is unclear how many more Brinkley patients may be sick or later die elsewhere. The medical board revoked its license, stating that Brinkley "has organized organized arwahism... quite beyond the discovery of a humble volcano".

Six months after losing his medical license, the Federal Radio Commission declined to renew its broadcast station license, discovering that Brinkley's broadcast was largely an advertisement, in violation of international agreements, that it broadcast indecent material, and that his Medical Questionnaire series were "against the public interest". He sued the commission, but the court upheld the retraction and the case of Brinkley v. FRC becomes an important case in broadcasting law.

Nuts! | Cinema365
src: carlosdev.files.wordpress.com

Political career

Brinkley reacted to lose his medical license and broadcast by launching an offer to become Governor of Kansas, a political position that would allow him to appoint his own members to the medical council and thus regain his right to practice drugs in the state. He started his candidacy only three days after he lost his medical license, using his radio station to help with his campaign. At his side was KFKB's biggest country music star, Roy Faulkner, who climbed onto the stage with a guitar and a hat in hand. Brinkley campaigned on an unclear public works program (a state lake in every area), education (free textbooks for public school children and increased educational opportunities for blacks), lower taxes, and old age pensions. He appealed to an immigrant vote by placing Germans and Swedes speaking in the air at KFKB. Brinkley enrolled a pilot on his own plane (Brinkley nicknamed it The Romancer) to deliver him in great style in his campaign campaign. In short, Brinkley is the master of publicity; when a leading newspaper reporter loaded a critical article about his qualifications for running a country, Brinkley sent him a goat.

His campaign was conducted as an independent candidate, as he waited to announce his candidacy until September, after the ballots had been printed. Three days before the election, Kansas's attorney general (who had tried Brinkley before the medical council) announced that the rules surrounding writing candidates had changed, and that doctors' names could only be written in a specific way for voting (such as JR Brinkley). As the writing candidate, he received over 180,000 votes (29.5 percent of the votes) and lost to Harry Hines Woodring, who later became Secretary of War in President Franklin D. Roosevelt's cabinet. An article published at that time at The Des Moines Register estimates that between 30,000 and 50,000 ballot papers are disqualified in this way. Woodring later admitted that if counted, Brinkley would win.

Brinkley ran again in 1932 as an Independent, receiving 244,607 votes (30.6 percent of the vote), losing Republican, Alf Landon, then Republican candidate to President in 1936.

His prospects for success in Kansas were ruined, Brinkley sold KFKB to an insurance company and decided to move closer to the Mexican border, where he could operate a high-powered radio station without being punished. Although he can no longer practice medicine in Kansas, he still opens his Milford clinic and puts his two men in charge. Uncovered by the prospect of being a big fish in a very small pond, Brinkley moved to a sleepy Del Rio, Texas, located just across the bridge from Mexico.

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Brinkley and radio

The Mexican government, seeking to take revenge with its northern neighbors to share North American radio frequencies without giving them to Mexico, granted 50,000 watt radio and construction licenses to Brinkley starting at XER-AM, his new "border crossing" across the bridge. from Del Rio at Villa AcuÃÆ' Â ± a, Coahuila (since renamed Ciudad AcuÃÆ' Â ± a). As construction progresses, Fishbein and the US State Department desperately seek ways to stop Brinkley. Under enormous pressure from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Mexican government halted the XER-AM development, but that was only temporary. Within a few weeks, the rebuilding and soon two towers of 300 feet (91 m) reached into the sky. XER, at 840 kilohertz at an AM connection, emitted by a sky wave antenna, making its first broadcast in October 1931. Brinkley referred to it as "Sunshine Station of Nations".

Brinkley used his new border blaster to continue his campaign for the governor by using his phone to call his broadcast to the transmitter. This approach did not work, and he lost in another political campaign; he would lose again in 1934. Although Brinkley's American radio license has been revoked, the XER signal is so strong that it can still be heard in Kansas. In 1932, the Mexican government allowed Brinkley to increase its electric power to 150,000 watts. A few months later, Brinkley was allowed to increase to one million watts, "making XER the far and farthest radio station on the planet" which, on a clear night, can be heard as far as Canada. According to the report at the time, the signal was so strong that it turned on the headlights of the car, made the bed buzzing, and caused a burning broadcast to the phone conversation. The locals do not even need a radio to hear the Brinkley station; breeders reported that they received it through their metal fences and dental equipment.

Brinkley resumed his old radio format of medical advice relating to advertising products. Male listeners are offered a variety of expensive concoctions including injections and Mercurochrome pills, all designed to help them regain their sexual prowess. At the clinic at the hotel where he lives he also performs prostate surgery. He also began selling airtime to other advertisers (at $ 1,700 an hour, $ 24,900 in current value), resulting in new hucksters shilling products such as "Crazy Water Crystals", "original simulations" of diamonds, life insurance and various religious supplies, including what is supposed to be a signed photograph of Jesus Christ. Brinkley also continues to pack his radio ranks with country singers and home-based roots whose radio stations help launch (including Patsy Montana, Red Foley, Gene Autry, Jimmie Rodgers, Carter Family, Pickard Family, and others). Del Rio is known as "Hillbilly Hollywood".

When the FRC forbade what they called "ghosts" (readers of minds, fortune tellers, and other mystics) from broadcast on US radio in 1932, many followed Brinkley's model, opening their own border blasters in Mexico. By 1932, 11 such stations had been opened, including XENT, XERB, XELO, XEG and XEPN.

Brinkley was still back and forth from Milford to Del Rio, often broadcasting from XER by phone. But in 1932, Congress passed a law prohibiting this practice, known as the Brinkley Act. Undeterred, Brinkley began using some of the first "electrical transcription" - which today would be called pre-recorded - to circumvent the law. Around this time, Brinkley decided to break up his relationship with Kansas, shut his hospital there and open a new one in Del Rio, which took three floors of the Roswell Hotel, where he lives with his wife.

In 1934, Mexico revoked the Brinkley broadcast license, a result of pressure from the United States. Soldiers from the Mexican army arrived at the station door to close it, and for the time being he had to broadcast from the nearest XEPN, located in Piedras Negras, Coahuila.

Although Brinkley continues to transplant mammary glands occasionally, in Texas his practice shifts largely to a slightly modified vasectomy and "rejuvenation" of the prostate (which he charges up to $ 1,000 per operation ($ 17,800 in current value), and prescribes his own drug. for after treatment). His business, driven by radio advertising and speeches, continues to grow, and he's opening another clinic in San Juan, Texas specializing in the colon. In 1936, Brinkley had accumulated enough wealth to build a house for himself and his wife on 16 acres of land (6.5 hectares). Brinkley boasts a dozen Cadillacs, a greenhouse, a foaming fountain garden surrounded by 8,000 shrubs, exotic animals imported from the Galapagos Islands, and a 10 foot (3.0 m) tall diving pool. Brinkley continued to live high in Del Rio, until in 1938 a rival doctor began cutting off Brinkley's business by offering similar procedures much cheaper. When Del Rio's city elders refused to get rid of competitors, Brinkley closed the shop and reopened in downtown Little Rock, Arkansas with another hospital in what is now Marylake Abbey. His rivalry from Del Rio opened a new cancer center in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, about 150 miles (240 km) northwest of Little Rock.

File:John R Brinkley grave Forest Hill Cemetery Memphis TN 1.jpg ...
src: upload.wikimedia.org

Trial and death

In 1938, Brinkley's longtime enemy, Morris Fishbein, entered the picture again wholeheartedly, publishing a two-part series called "Modern Medical Charlatans" which included a complete rejection of Brinkley's checkered career, and exposed his questionable medical credentials. Brinkley sued Fishbein for defamation and $ 250,000 in damages ($ 4,350,000 in current value). The trial began on March 22, 1939, before Texas judged R. J. MacMillan. A few days later, the jury found Fishbein, stating that Brinkley "should be regarded as a shaman and a healer in the ordinary and well-understood meaning of words". The jury's decision to release a series of lawsuits against Brinkley, by some estimates of more than $ 3 million in total value. Also around this time, the Internal Revenue Service began to investigate him for tax fraud. He declared bankruptcy in 1941, the same year in the US and Mexico reached an agreement to allocate radio bandwidth and shut down XERA.

Immediately after his bankruptcy, the US Post Office Department began investigating him for mail fraud, and Brinkley became his own patient, having suffered three heart attacks and amputations of one leg due to poor circulation. On May 26, 1942, Brinkley died without a dime from heart failure in San Antonio; mail fraud cases have not come to court. He was then buried at Forest Hill Cemetery in Memphis, Tennessee.

His grave was destroyed in early 2017. The winged angel above the column marking his tomb was cut and stolen.

His home, commonly called Brinkley Mansion, still stands today at 512 Qualia Drive in Del Rio and has been designated as the Historic Mine of Texas number 13015.


Brinkley's life and career became the subject of several books written in the 20th and 21st centuries, including the works of Clement Wood (1936), Gerald Carson (1960), R. Alton Lee (2002), and Pope Brock (2008) ). In 2012 Brinkley is featured in episode 1 of season 3 of the Travel Channel Mystery series in the Museum . In 2016, director Penny Lane made Nuts! , a documentary about Brinkley's life using animation to illustrate scenes from his life. The Reply All podcast episode # 86, "Man of the People", is about Brinkley's life. A film based on a podcast episode is under development, to be written by director Richard Linklater and starring Academy Award nominee Robert Downey Jr.


  • Branyan, Helen B. "Medical Charlatanism: The Goat Gland Wizard of Milford, Kansas." The Popular Culture Journal 25 # 1 (1991): 31-37. online
  • Bonner, Thomas Neville. Doctor Kansas: pioneering age , University of Kansas Press, 1959, page 210.
  • Brinkley, John R. Dr. Doctor Brinkley's Book , J.R. Brinkley, 1937.
  • Brock, Pope. Charlatan: The Most Dangerous Huckster in America, The Man Who Pursued Him, and The Flimflam Age , Crown Publishing. 2008. ISBN: 0-307-33988-2
  • Carson, Gerald. Rogue World from Doctor Brinkley , Rinehart, New York, 1960.
  • Clark, Carroll D., and Noel P. Gist. "Dr. John R. Brinkley: A Case Study In Collective Behavior." Kansas Journal of Sociology (1966): 52-58. in JSTOR
  • Fowler, Gene, and Crawford, Bill. Border Radio: Quacks, yodelers, pitchmen, paranormal, and other great American air broadcasters , Texas Monthly Press, Austin. 1987. ISBNÃ, 0-87719-066-6
  • Hale, Will Thomas and Merritt, Dixon Lanier. The History of Tennessee and Tennessean, Volume VII , Lewis Publishing, 1913, pp.Ã, 2026-2027.
  • Lee, R. Alton. Strange Career from John R. Brinkley , University of Kentucky Press. 2002. ISBNÃ, 0-8131-2232-5
  • Lichty, Lawrence Wilson and Topping, Malachi C. American broadcasting: the source book on radio and television history , Hastings House, 1975, p.Ã, 558.
  • Musial, Matthew. Doctor Brinkley: A Man and His Call , illustrated, Del Rio. 1983. (16 pages of comic book biography)
  • Resellers, Ansel Harlan. The Impact of John R. Brinkley on Broadcasting in the United States , University of Northwestern, 1958
  • Riney-Kehrberg, Pamela. "Mary Dyck's radio diary, 1936-1955: The listening habits of a Kansas farm woman." Radio Studies Journal 5.2 (1998): 66-79.
  • Rudel, Anthony J. Hello, Everyone! , Harcourt, 2008. ISBNÃ, 978-0-15-101275-6
  • Shelby, Maurice E. "John R. Brinkley and Kansas City Star." Journal of Broadcasting & amp; Electronic Media 22 # 1 (1978): 33-45. online
  • Wallis, James Harold. Politicians; customs, shouts, and protective dyes, Arno Press, 1974. ISBNÃ, 0-405-05904-3
  • Wood, Clement. The Life of a Man: Biography of John R. Brinkley , Goshorn, 1937.

External links

  • Brinkley, A Man and His Call
  • Audio clips from Brinkley at Wfmu.org
  • NPR in Media Story about Brinkley
  • Photos of one of Brinkley's campaign trucks
  • A promotional pamphlet for Brinkley hospital
  • The Memory Palace, historical podcast episode: "You Know You're Sick"
  • Peanuts! - the official film website

Source of the article : Wikipedia
